Welcome to TULIP'S OVEN

Tulip's Oven is a Muslim baker located @ Bachang, Malacca.
Starting baking since was in school as a hobby and now I love to share the sweetness with all.Click to menu and view all the yummy c.cakes & cakes.. Jom, place your order now. Happy browsing (:
Cheer up your day with our BUTTERCREAM / FONDANT / FIGURINES customized deco CUPCAKES & CAKES for your functions


Rainbow lolipop cake

Posted by : Cik Ima at Wednesday, February 23, 2011 0 Comments

Assalam & hi... 

thanx to aida for the order dear... (: for her sister katanye
love it when u said u alls love it. ^_^


chocolate moist cake+buttercream

Posted by : Cik Ima at Thursday, February 17, 2011 0 Comments

As salam & hi semua...
this cake was ordered by kak Rima Warda for her lovely mom...

terima kasih kak Rima,for the order.. (:


sesame street in the box (:

Posted by : Cik Ima at Monday, February 14, 2011 0 Comments

As salam & hi...
i got a change to hands on fondant for sesame street character... 1st try also for sesame street theme.. everthing was done 100% hands special moulding are used..except utk cetak bulat n bunga pd big bird used my mum punye cetak biskut.hihi..utk bntuk sedikit bujur,i used rolling pin and slow2 stretch the the result..
the cupcakes details:
~16pcs M size
~chocolate moist cupcakes
~wording & theme as requested

thnx to sofea for the order... (:


Spongebob theme..blooop bloop

Posted by : Cik Ima at Monday, February 14, 2011 0 Comments

As salam  & hi to all.. spongebob theme pula for this time..hihi.. mmmm..this is my 4th time ordered from MMU student..hihi...i'm also happy that the cake comes as what i'm imagine, as usual,this is my1st time hands on for spongebob theme.. check it out ya..
the cake details:
~ 1kg+  chocolate moist cake
~ wording as requested

thanks to sofea for the order... (: i'm happy that u gurls satisfied with the cake...maceh ya. ^_^


Engagement cupcake

Posted by : Cik Ima at Wednesday, February 09, 2011 0 Comments

As salam  & hi to all... this is my 1st try to decorate cupcakes with full fondant for customer.. this cuppies ordered by my friend,Khurun Ain for her engagement.. she let me decide the design & colours to be fit with gold theme ..
she was so so in love with the chocolate moist cuppies.before, she had tasted my cupcakes..n now for her engagement, she asked me to do the same... the cuppies have along journey to kuantan..i pass the cuppies to her best friend where we meet @ terminal 1 seremban..then,ptg tu juga the cuppies are on journey to Kuantan

hurm, so here the result... i used burgundy from wilton and sparkle it with gold dust so it will match with the theme...  with the roses,dot filled with the degrees ball around the cuppies, it make the cuppies have a vintage look on it... i decided to colour the words just with 2-3drop of egg yellow from wilton...

cupcakes details
~16pcs M size
~chocolate moist cupcakes
~wording as requested
~roses/rosette design
Thank you to Khurun Ain for the order... Happy for u that u r now 1 step ahead menuju ke gerbang perkahwinan.. Its not too late to say 'TAHNIAH AIN' (:


happy anniversary

Posted by : Cik Ima at Tuesday, February 08, 2011 0 Comments

As salam & hi...
 this anniversary cuppies ordered from Atikah Zainuddin for her 3th anniversary... it was purple colour but because of the camera not so high tech, the colour turn more to blue...
i only snap a few pic where the cuppies are 80% in progress & the wording still not complete.. so,had to adopt the full pic from Tika(2nd pic)..

cupcakes details
~ 12pcs M size
~ chocolate moist
~colour & wording as request

thnx Tikah for the order..jauh journey cuppies ne from Malacca to Kota Tinggi.. (:


engageement cake&colourful garden theme

Posted by : Cik Ima at Tuesday, February 08, 2011 0 Comments

As salam & hi to all... the last order for last week is from Ida,KL who come to Malacca for her brother engagement.. she order birthday cupcakes & engagement cake.. she request to have a word on the cuppies... so this is what is look like.. (:

cupcakes details
~25pcs M size
~strawberry flavour 
~colourful garden theme
~wording as requested & birthday sign

tada...this is the engagement cake for ida's brother.. 
thank you ida for the order..i hope u and family love it

cake details
~ 1kg+ chocolate cake inside
~ frosting with buttercream
~ finishing with fondant
~ wording as requested


boys & girls birthday cuppies

Posted by : Cik Ima at Tuesday, February 08, 2011 0 Comments

Assalam & hi.. this cuppies ordered from waty.. she was so easy to deal with... requesting to have blue & pink colour..also swirl design & the boys and girls fondant for topping..

cupcake details
~16 pcs M size
~ chocolate moist 
~ boys & girls/pink&blue theme
~with wording

thnx to waty for your order ya..(:


minnie mouse theme

Posted by : Cik Ima at Tuesday, February 08, 2011 0 Comments

Salam & hi.... this is my 1st time decorate cake with additional attachment cake(the ears).  Alhamdulillah it was done just nice... i hope customer love it...  

the cake details
~chocolate cake inside
~blueberry layer @ the center
~buttercream frosting
~fondant accessories (ribbon & wording)

thnx to kak kasmaliza for the order..if not i got no opportunity utk buat minnie mouse shape ne...hehehe


Red & White Lollipop theme..wink..wink

Posted by : Cik Ima at Monday, February 07, 2011 0 Comments

Salam & hi to all..

the red & white lolipop theme has been requested by miss Ninie Ratna Dewi...
for her lovely sister birthday.. the idea pop up when i post the BIG LOLLIPOP CAKE... and she request to make it red & white (:.. 
the cake details~
1kg chocolate moist cake
ribbon & biskut belanda for accessories 
red & white theme
with requested wording..

Thnk you ninie for the order..i hope u n family really enjoy the sweetness (:


full of LOVE theme

Posted by : Cik Ima at Monday, February 07, 2011 0 Comments

As salam and hi to all... last week was so so buzy with order. and luckily most of the order are early i  can schedule was first and next...the order are queing to be baked..(: also i have frustrated with last minute cancel which is 1-2 hour before pickup time..simple text i've recieved, written 'lupe to inform x jd amik"..hurm.. dunt know what to say.i mlas nk ask the person byk2 coz i'll get annoyed,spoiled mood and all the -tive aura may appear...i've pull out tenaga,masa,duit to give the best but finally, hampeh~ smpai hari ne,feel it so badly if tringt kjadian tu coz rasa traniaya...

Lets move to something interesting ya..i made the FULL of Love theme.. i dunt like to say it as valentine,coz the history of valentine day was about a fight yg mngalahkan org Muslim...

The cuppies are ordered by Adriana Dinas.. she adopt the fondant design from other bakers..while i suggest to make a grass topping for the top...and change a little bit on the deco,ya la..mesti ade niche kite sndri kan wlaupun adopt other design.. (:

cuppies details~
buttercream+fondant deco
chocolate moist cuppies

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rainbow lolipop cake

Assalam & hi... 

thanx to aida for the order dear... (: for her sister katanye
love it when u said u alls love it. ^_^

Thursday, February 17, 2011

chocolate moist cake+buttercream

As salam & hi semua...
this cake was ordered by kak Rima Warda for her lovely mom...

terima kasih kak Rima,for the order.. (:

Monday, February 14, 2011

sesame street in the box (:

As salam & hi...
i got a change to hands on fondant for sesame street character... 1st try also for sesame street theme.. everthing was done 100% hands special moulding are used..except utk cetak bulat n bunga pd big bird used my mum punye cetak biskut.hihi..utk bntuk sedikit bujur,i used rolling pin and slow2 stretch the the result..
the cupcakes details:
~16pcs M size
~chocolate moist cupcakes
~wording & theme as requested

thnx to sofea for the order... (:

Spongebob theme..blooop bloop

As salam  & hi to all.. spongebob theme pula for this time..hihi.. mmmm..this is my 4th time ordered from MMU student..hihi...i'm also happy that the cake comes as what i'm imagine, as usual,this is my1st time hands on for spongebob theme.. check it out ya..
the cake details:
~ 1kg+  chocolate moist cake
~ wording as requested

thanks to sofea for the order... (: i'm happy that u gurls satisfied with the cake...maceh ya. ^_^

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Engagement cupcake

As salam  & hi to all... this is my 1st try to decorate cupcakes with full fondant for customer.. this cuppies ordered by my friend,Khurun Ain for her engagement.. she let me decide the design & colours to be fit with gold theme ..
she was so so in love with the chocolate moist cuppies.before, she had tasted my cupcakes..n now for her engagement, she asked me to do the same... the cuppies have along journey to kuantan..i pass the cuppies to her best friend where we meet @ terminal 1 seremban..then,ptg tu juga the cuppies are on journey to Kuantan

hurm, so here the result... i used burgundy from wilton and sparkle it with gold dust so it will match with the theme...  with the roses,dot filled with the degrees ball around the cuppies, it make the cuppies have a vintage look on it... i decided to colour the words just with 2-3drop of egg yellow from wilton...

cupcakes details
~16pcs M size
~chocolate moist cupcakes
~wording as requested
~roses/rosette design
Thank you to Khurun Ain for the order... Happy for u that u r now 1 step ahead menuju ke gerbang perkahwinan.. Its not too late to say 'TAHNIAH AIN' (:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

happy anniversary

As salam & hi...
 this anniversary cuppies ordered from Atikah Zainuddin for her 3th anniversary... it was purple colour but because of the camera not so high tech, the colour turn more to blue...
i only snap a few pic where the cuppies are 80% in progress & the wording still not complete.. so,had to adopt the full pic from Tika(2nd pic)..

cupcakes details
~ 12pcs M size
~ chocolate moist
~colour & wording as request

thnx Tikah for the order..jauh journey cuppies ne from Malacca to Kota Tinggi.. (:

engageement cake&colourful garden theme

As salam & hi to all... the last order for last week is from Ida,KL who come to Malacca for her brother engagement.. she order birthday cupcakes & engagement cake.. she request to have a word on the cuppies... so this is what is look like.. (:

cupcakes details
~25pcs M size
~strawberry flavour 
~colourful garden theme
~wording as requested & birthday sign

tada...this is the engagement cake for ida's brother.. 
thank you ida for the order..i hope u and family love it

cake details
~ 1kg+ chocolate cake inside
~ frosting with buttercream
~ finishing with fondant
~ wording as requested

boys & girls birthday cuppies

Assalam & hi.. this cuppies ordered from waty.. she was so easy to deal with... requesting to have blue & pink colour..also swirl design & the boys and girls fondant for topping..

cupcake details
~16 pcs M size
~ chocolate moist 
~ boys & girls/pink&blue theme
~with wording

thnx to waty for your order ya..(:

minnie mouse theme

Salam & hi.... this is my 1st time decorate cake with additional attachment cake(the ears).  Alhamdulillah it was done just nice... i hope customer love it...  

the cake details
~chocolate cake inside
~blueberry layer @ the center
~buttercream frosting
~fondant accessories (ribbon & wording)

thnx to kak kasmaliza for the order..if not i got no opportunity utk buat minnie mouse shape ne...hehehe

Monday, February 7, 2011

Red & White Lollipop theme..wink..wink

Salam & hi to all..

the red & white lolipop theme has been requested by miss Ninie Ratna Dewi...
for her lovely sister birthday.. the idea pop up when i post the BIG LOLLIPOP CAKE... and she request to make it red & white (:.. 
the cake details~
1kg chocolate moist cake
ribbon & biskut belanda for accessories 
red & white theme
with requested wording..

Thnk you ninie for the order..i hope u n family really enjoy the sweetness (:

full of LOVE theme

As salam and hi to all... last week was so so buzy with order. and luckily most of the order are early i  can schedule was first and next...the order are queing to be baked..(: also i have frustrated with last minute cancel which is 1-2 hour before pickup time..simple text i've recieved, written 'lupe to inform x jd amik"..hurm.. dunt know what to say.i mlas nk ask the person byk2 coz i'll get annoyed,spoiled mood and all the -tive aura may appear...i've pull out tenaga,masa,duit to give the best but finally, hampeh~ smpai hari ne,feel it so badly if tringt kjadian tu coz rasa traniaya...

Lets move to something interesting ya..i made the FULL of Love theme.. i dunt like to say it as valentine,coz the history of valentine day was about a fight yg mngalahkan org Muslim...

The cuppies are ordered by Adriana Dinas.. she adopt the fondant design from other bakers..while i suggest to make a grass topping for the top...and change a little bit on the deco,ya la..mesti ade niche kite sndri kan wlaupun adopt other design.. (:

cuppies details~
buttercream+fondant deco
chocolate moist cuppies